by Elizabeth Tiskina | January 20, 2022
I see that today you look ever so sad,
And your hands are so delicate, clasping your knees. Listen
now – far, far away, by Lake Chad,
A lone giraffe wanders, swaying in the breeze.
God granted him poise and graceful, slow airs,
And his fur is mottled with magical shapes,
A pattern with which only moonlight compares
As it splinters and shimmers on the waves of the lakes.
Like a galleon’s sails, he appears at first,
His gallop as smooth as a joyful bird’s flight.
I trust there are more wonders like him on earth
When he shelters in his marble cave at twilight.
From these mystical lands I’ve heard tales and songs –
Those of ‘dark beauties’ and young, passionate kings, But
you’re weary, and you’ve breathed in fog for too long, You
You believe only in rain – not in these fanciful things.
So how can I tell you about these tropical gardens?
The scent of the grasslands, the sound of palm trees…
Are you crying? Listen now… Far away, by Lake Chad,
A lone giraffe wanders, swaying in the breeze.
Translation of ‘жираф’ by Lev Gumilyov.
Artwork by Anna du Toit.