in spite of everything, your hands
by Cia Mangat | July 1, 2021
still in my hair
still unscrewing the bottle
of oil open still ringed
with gold staining green
your hands memorising the backs
of my ears think of your hands folding
sheets think of your hands cutting
tomatoes i think of your hands
smacking the comb against
my temples when i turn
to look up at you why else would i
let you hold me like this again
fingers kneading my scalp
into new ripeness while your eyes
go glassy staring at the tv
my head in your lap your hands
in my hair learning to swim
slicing through the dark your
hands in my hair like my hands
learning new muscles in your back
why else do i put towels down
wherever i sleep if not to dream
of turning the whole world
bright green foam in the shower
rinsing your hands out of my head
to watch the drain gurgle with applause? ∎
Words by Cia Mangat. Art by Sasha LaCômbe.