100 Pitch Prompts: MT24

by The Isis Magazine | September 11, 2024

1. What do you think about when you brush your teeth?

2. What do you see when you look out of your bedroom window?

3. Write something you’d be embarrassed for your parents to read.

4. Write something your parents ought to read.

5. Write something that you can only write anonymously.

6. Write about something you wish you’d said.

7. Write about something you wish you never said.

8. Recall your most disastrous date.

9. Confess your feelings to someone. Let them read it in the magazine.

10. Print isn’t dead. Or is it?

11. Describe love in a sentence.

12. Write a short story using six words.

13. Write a poem (and make us laugh).

14. Write about a friendship that got complicated. Don’t try to figure it out.

15. Write about the person you sat next to at the bus stop.

16. Write about your roots. Does your heritage inform who you are today? How?

17. Tell us why you believe in a God.

18. Tell us why you don’t believe in a God.

19. Tell us if the university does enough for your disability.

20. Dig up some dirt on what’s going on in Oxford. Conduct an investigation.

21. Write a love letter to your pet.

22. Who do you truly trust? Tell us about them.

23. What do you think about marriage? Patriarchal bullshit or unbelievably romantic?

24. Situationships: should we ban them?

25. Write about something you hadn’t thought about until this week.

26. Write something in a different language. Give us the wrong translation.

27. Tell us a joke.

28. Have you ever slept with a tutor? Wanted to?

29. Do you like breaking rules? Why/why not?

30. Tell us about your experience of imposter syndrome.

31. Write about gender. What is it? What will it become?

32. Hate on a trendy item of clothing. Tell us why it’s ugly.

33. Defend a pop star.

34. Tell us why you are/aren’t a Taylor Swift fan.

35. Should we ‘cancel’ cancel culture?

36. Propose a solution to a big political problem. Write a letter of advice to Sir Keir Starmer.

37. Who will the next Tory leader be? Why should we care?

38. Should Brits follow American politics?

39. Does Oxford breed politicians? Why? Are you going to be one of them?

40. What reminds you of your childhood? A smell, taste, feeling?

41. When I’m older, I want to be …?

42. What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever given?

43. Tell us about a time you felt lonely.

44. Are you a child or an adult?

45. Interview your friends about you. How do they see you?

46. What’s it like being a sober student?

47. Write about rejection. Can you cope with it?

48. Thought about dropping out? Write about it.

49. Tell us about your experience rusticating.

50. Tell us about the right person at the wrong time.

51. Write a review of something that you didn’t like.

52. ‘Smash or Pass’: House of Commons edition.

53. Write about your experience of office politics.

54. Is it political to be apolitical?

55. Tell us about your nan.

56. Did an Oxfess make you think twice? Did it get under your skin? Tell us about it.

57. Rank the colleges. Be brutal.

58. Write a new version of the Rice Purity Test.

59. Write about platonic love, platonic soulmates.

60. Tell us about a story or phrase that your family cemented into your psyche. How does it make you feel?

61. What was something you had to unlearn?

62. What does being gay mean to you?

63. What is something that happened to you when you were younger that you only understand now?

64. If money didn’t matter, how would you spend your life?

65. What work of art makes you feel seen?

66. Send us a really good oil painting. Who doesn’t love one of those?

67. Send us a really bad oil painting. Who doesn’t love one of those?

68. Where is the strangest place you’ve listened to Vienna by Billy Joel?

69. Write a poem starting with your favourite song lyric.

70. Sugar Man: Tell us about an under-rated/unknown artist.

71. What’s holding you back?

72. What’s your hamartia?

73. Do you think you’re a good person?

74. What did you look like a year ago? How do you feel when you look at photos of yourself from this time?

75. What is it like coming to Oxford from a tiny town or village?

76. Tell us about the longest journey of your life.

77. Write about your childhood best friend. Where are they now?

78. Tell us about the novel idea you have.

79. Write an answer to an All Souls exam question.

80. Write about grief.

81. Is it democratic to ban things?

82. Is prison humane?

83. Who cares if China has your ‘data’?

84. Do you think AI is a threat to your creative practice?

85. Do you think other Oxford students dismiss your degree? Does that piss you off?

86. Is Oxford everything you had hoped it would be?

87. Are you institutionalised?

88. Criticise/defend contemporary art.

89. Make us a film with your mobile phone.

90. Send us your best recipe.

91. Take a sketch you drew ages ago and make it something new.

92. Time yourself for 15 minutes. Draw what first comes to mind.

93. Draw a comic strip about the worst day you’ve had at Oxford.

94. Make a pros and cons chart about life at Oxford.

95. Draw us a caricature of the typical Isis reader.

96. Is nude art provocative for the sake of it, or does it hold meaning?

97. Send us your nude art.

98. Do we still need feminism in the UK?

99. Why do words matter? Why do your words matter?

100. What defines you? Is it the piece you are writing right now?


Graphics by Jarad Jackson.