Evie Kitt

by | February 4, 2014

Aegrus (1)

“In my paintings, all large-scale works made on the studio floor with an unpredictable but manipulatable set of materials, I endeavour to alter the perspective, shifting the view beyond the bird’s eye and into the omniscient gaze. The swirling ambiguous forms can be read as tumultuous skies, interstellar nebulae, whirlwinds and solar flares, as oceanic scapes or barren nowhere lands; moreover it is the quality of interpretation where the artistic sensibility lies.

to travel there
To Travel There

“The range of influences stretch as far back as Friedrich and Turner, through to Strindberg and Monet, then Anselm Kiefer and Maggie Hambling and currently Samantha Keely Smith and Nina Murdoch, as well as branching sideways into the illustrative worlds of Gregory Euclide and Roger Dean. I draw upon aerial photography, in particular the photographs by astronaut Chris Hadfield of the earth from the ISS, images from the Hubble Space Telescope, and the organic forms and landscapes around me, constantly archiving and blending visual elements that evoke painterly worlds and unknowable places.

Stream_Where Do You Think We Are


Stream/Where Do You Think We Are

“In an era of artistic pluralism and terrifyingly exciting connectedness and technological communication, the painterly means become for me a mode of exuberant investigation, harking back to romantic and expressive painting whilst leaning forward into an age of advancement, of space exploration, of the individual becoming part of not only a global nation but of a galactic one.”



From Above

From Above