ISIS Presents: Inside and Outside
by isised | May 6, 2013
ISIS presents a film screening of interviews with ex-prisoners & a panel discussion on the ethics of imprisonment.
You are going to prison, about to serve a sentence having been found guilty of a crime.
– How will the prison officers treat you?
– What will you do to get through the day?
– What will happen to you when you are released?
– Will you be able to reintegrate into society?
8pm Wednesday of 3rd Week, Saskatchewan Lecture Theatre, Exeter College, £2 on the door.
Speakers include:
SHAUN ATTWOOD – award-winning author of Hard Time, which details his experiences in prison for money laundering and drug dealing
KARYN BUCK – founder and CEO of the Buck Project, a peer to peer mentoring and training scheme for prisoners
KATE FRASER – working with the reintegration of female former prisoners into society
The event will include discussion of video statements provided by former prisoners who talked to ISIS about their experiences inside and outside the prison walls.